Developing original ideas for a client

Learning Outcome 2 (U9): Be able to plan the production of an original graphic novel or comic 

Image sources:

Image 1: h

P3 (U9): Develop an original story to be told within the graphic novel or comic 


Bloop, I did it again

When two friends, Jim and Tom, create a flying football, they accidentally break a spaceship. An adorable alien called Bloop comes crashing down into their garden. Jim's sister Ali falls in love with the cute creature. In attempt to fix the alien's ship, the Jim and Tom find themselves abducted by the alien's enemy. Now it's up to Ali to help get Bloop back and save her brother and his friend.

Narrative structure

The narrative will follow a macro structure. It will link to Todorov's theory or narrative stages, that there are 5 stages to stories. These are the equilibrium, disruption, recognition, repair the damage, reinstatement of equilibrium.

Equilibrium: Jim and Tom make a flying football to play with and are having fun

Disruption: The ball flies to high and breaks a spaceship

Recognition: The boys try to fix the spaceship, but when they do, Bloop enemy abducts them, thinking it is Bloop.

Repair the damage: Ali uses the boys flying football to fly herself and Bloop into space and Bloop fights his enemy and gets the hat so that he can talk

Equilibrium: Now Bloop has the hat, he can explain to his new friends that he is a Bionic, a species of alien. His hat allows him to talk and his enemy stole it from him. He sends Jim, Tom, and Ali back to earth.


Bloop I did it again will be a digital comic. This is because it will be featured on the website for MegaMovie. This form of comic is suitable for the target audience of 12-15 and 15-18 year olds, as a younger audience is likely to embrace modern technology and use it to its full capabilities. 


Bloop I did it again will fall into the sci-fi genre. This is because it fits conventions of such genre such as the creation of the flying ball, or the alien species. It also fits the comedy genre as it provides a sense of humour due to the unrealistic scenario and bluntness of the alien figure.



Bloop is the protagonist of the story. They are a cute alien that is learnt to belong to the 'bionic' species. The only thing Bloop is heard saying until the end is 'Bloop'. It is later learnt that Bloop's enemy, Sir Bibble, stole Bloop's hat, which is the item that is needed for Bloop to communicate. 

Jim and Tom

Jim and Tom are best friends who created the flying football that broke Bloop's spaceship. They are both 15. Jim is the sibling of Ali.


Ali is Jim's older sister. She is 18 years old. After setting her eyes on the adorable Bloop, she falls in love with it's cuteness. She tries to help Bloop get back to space and rescue her brother and his friend. 

Sir Bibble

Sir Bibble is Bloop's enemy. He stole Bloop's hat to prevent Bloop from talking. Whilst he has a similar face, he is much taller than Bloop.

Target audience

As stated in the brief, the target audience for this product is 12-18 year olds. This is quite a wide age range, so the comic needs to be appropriate for the younger end, yet still engaging for the older end. One way this is done is through the satire and comedic storyline, which fits the sci-fi genre. This appeals to the target audience as it allows them to immerse themselves in a world that is familiar to them, yet with added unrealistic aspects, excitement and enjoyment is evoked. 

The comic will appeal to all races and ethnicities. This is because it represents ethnic minorities. This is because the character Tom is mixed race. Whilst this allows for positive representation, it also reinforces ideas that everyone is equal, and should not be judged based on their skin colour. 

Producing company

The company that will be producing 
