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Developing original ideas for a client

Learning Outcome 2 (U9): Be able to plan the production of an original graphic novel or comic  Image sources: Image 1:  h P3 (U9): Develop an original story to be told within the graphic novel or comic  Synopsis Bloop, I did it again When two friends, Jim and Tom, create a flying football, they accidentally break a spaceship. An adorable alien called Bloop comes crashing down into their garden. Jim's sister Ali falls in love with the cute creature. In attempt to fix the alien's ship, the Jim and Tom find themselves abducted by the alien's enemy. Now it's up to Ali to help get Bloop back and save her brother and his friend. Narrative structure The narrative will follow a macro structure. It will link to Todorov's theory or narrative stages, that there are 5 stages to stories. These are the equilibrium, disruption, recognition, repair the damage, reinstatement of equilibrium. Equilibrium: Jim and Tom make a flying football to play with and are having fun Disruption: T

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